FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 14, 2015 FROM: The Circle School Contact: Jim Rietmulder 717-564-6700 CIRCLE SCHOOL TO BUILD A SCHOOL WITH NO CLASSROOMS The Circle School of Swatara Township announced today its plans to relocate to an 8-acre site a...
The Evolution of Our Design

The Evolution of Our Design

Wondering how you go from an idea of a new school to making it a reality? Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about our design process. Part I: Research & Preparation By April of 2013 the Property Search Committee had progressed far enough to warrant...
The Search for a Perfect Property

The Search for a Perfect Property

Sure, at times we didn’t think it could possibly exist. 5+ acres with woods, stream, and open areas? That we could afford? Here is the story of how we managed to find, with a lot of work and a little luck, exactly what we were looking for. The school has long...
Skateboarding in the Library

Skateboarding in the Library

Five minutes before the Hour Of No Rules, I saw Cord and Zach sneaking out of the conference room lavatory. It was Zach who had proposed to suspend the rules for an hour, and brought it to a vote with mischief behind his charming grin. And Cord—well, Cord is our...