Trained at 12, saved a life at 15

Trained at 12, saved a life at 15

Trained at 12, saved a life at 15

2019My aunt and uncle are so cute! I was at the kitchen sink dying my hair, while they ate dinner at the kitchen table. He was holding a fork near her mouth, trying to get her to try the chicken parmesan he had made. She doesn’t need to be fed; he was just being...
Camping in the Schoolyard

Camping in the Schoolyard

I’ve gone on many field trips this year, but week before last was the first time I went on a “field trip” without leaving the campus. It was in the school’s backyard, with ten students ages eight to fourteen, and two staff members. Planning began in...
Skateboarding in the Library

Skateboarding in the Library

Five minutes before the Hour Of No Rules, I saw Cord and Zach sneaking out of the conference room lavatory. It was Zach who had proposed to suspend the rules for an hour, and brought it to a vote with mischief behind his charming grin. And Cord—well, Cord is our...
All About Anarchy

All About Anarchy

If I’m being honest, it wasn’t anarchy, but something more akin to libertarianism. The rules weren’t really gone, but School Meeting voted to suspend enforcement of any victimless violations. And not even all of the rules were gone — those...