When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. How many times have you heard this? How many times have you been able to make lemonade?

Molly Rahe-Randall
What we are experiencing right now in the world is something we will always remember. One moment our children are going to school. The next minute we find out they will be home for at least two weeks. Jobs being halted or happening remotely at home. Suddenly the routine we have created as parents is changing. The change has been so sudden we haven’t had time to digest it.
My children love school. Finding out they could not go for at least two weeks was not ideal in their world. After explaining the WHY for this abrupt change, they understood, and we put our creative minds together. The first thing we did was make a wish list. They were eager to tell me the things they wanted to do. On their list were baking, hiking, riding bikes, making balloon animals, painting, clay creations, fairy houses, and flower crowns.
They were equally aware that I would still be working from home. This meant some days there would only be time for one or two things on that wish list. They understood that while I was working, they would be creating their own activities.
We have been at The Circle School for four years. During school hours, they can choose what they do. They are learning how to be responsible, make decisions, follow rules and boundaries, and have the space to grow as a person.
How have all these qualities and school practiced methods translated to being home during this time?
As I work, they are just doing their thing. They know the rules and boundaries, and I always explain to them why they exist. I trust them and know that while I am working, they are thriving and learning in everything they choose to do. They are resourceful. If they want to learn how to make balloon animals, they go to YouTube, watch videos and figure it out. I get to be surprised by all the things they did while I was working. The fort that is being constructed in our backyard is awe-inspiring.
They are taking the lead.

Taking the lead
As they become more comfortable riding bikes, they are asking to go beyond the boundaries and bike on the road. As a family, we create new safety boundaries, allowing them to continue to be confident, self-sufficient bikers. I can see the time will soon be coming when they will ask to bike around the neighborhood by themselves.
Every day brings new discoveries, new interests. More natural learning. More life lessons and more ways to adapt to an ever-changing situation. For me, the lemonade in all of this is that I get to see the values, principles, and thriving community that is The Circle School translated to home life.
– Molly Rahe-Randall