Curious, playful, sociable, willful, planful

Skateboarding in the Library

Skateboarding in the Library

Five minutes before the Hour Of No Rules, I saw Cord and Zach sneaking out of the conference room lavatory. It was Zach who had proposed to suspend the rules for an hour, and brought it to a vote with mischief behind his charming grin. And Cord—well, Cord is our...
All About Anarchy

All About Anarchy

If I’m being honest, it wasn’t anarchy, but something more akin to libertarianism. The rules weren’t really gone, but School Meeting voted to suspend enforcement of any victimless violations. And not even all of the rules were gone — those...
Connor’s List

Connor’s List

A little over 20 years ago, a young Connor Tyrrell (now president of The Circle School Board) dictated a list of reasons he wanted to attend The Circle School. I think most of them remain relevant today! -Julia I’ll learn Japanese at TCS. I can do math at my own...